NYSC Director-General Advocates for Unity and Cultural Respect Among Corps Members in Sokoto

  • Landon Pickering
  • 7 May 2024
NYSC Director-General Advocates for Unity and Cultural Respect Among Corps Members in Sokoto

Director-General Encourages NYSC Members to Be Exemplary Ambassadors

In a significant event held in Sokoto State, Nigeria, the Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps, Brigadier General Y.D Ahmed, delivered a compelling address to the 2024 Batch A Stream 2 corps members. As the orientation exercise drew to a close, the General urged all present to embody the spirit of unity and respect, which are pivotal to the success of their assignments in their various host communities across the nation.

Brigadier General Ahmed emphasized the importance of the Corps members acting as bridges between diverse cultural norms and traditions. "As ambassadors of change and unity, you hold the fabric of our nation's future," he stated, urging them to immerse themselves in the local cultures and contribute positively to community development. This approach is essential not only for personal growth but also for strengthening the national cohesion that the NYSC stands for.

Respecting Local Culture and Traditions

The Director-General pointed out that understanding and respecting the customs of the host communities are of utmost importance. "When you respect and partake in local practices, you gain trust and love, which are crucial for effective community service," Ahmed noted. This respect for local culture is a hallmark of the NYSC's objectives to integrate youth from various ethnic backgrounds into different societal settings, fostering a broader sense of national identity and unity.

Avoiding Criminal Activities and Ensuring Safety

Furthermore, the NYSC leader warned against involvement in criminal activities and the dangers of traveling at night. He stressed the significance of maintaining a positive reputation, which not only reflects well on the NYSC but also ensures the safety and well-being of the corps members. "Avoid situations that may compromise your safety or integrity," Ahmed cautioned, highlighting the need for vigilance and responsible behavior throughout their service year.

Encouragement to Engage in Skill Acquisition Programs

General Ahmed also encouraged the young graduates to participate in the Skill Acquisition Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) program, a strategic initiative by the NYSC aimed at equipping members with entrepreneurial skills and reducing unemployment. "Engage vigorously in the SAED program. It is designed to empower you with necessary skills to become self-reliant," he advised. The program offers various skill sets ranging from ICT to agriculture, facilitating a productive transition from service to professional life.

The Role of NYSC Members in Promoting National Unity

As the ceremony concluded with the distribution of posting letters, the Corps members were reminded of their unique positions as agents of unity in Nigeria. The NYSC scheme, since its establishment, has been pivotal in integrating youths from different ethnic and social backgrounds, promoting mutual understanding and forging a collective national identity.

The call to action by Brigadier General Ahmed underscores the critical role that Corps members play not just in community development but also in the broader scope of national unity and socio-economic development. This message resonates with the founding principles of the NYSC and continues to be a guiding beacon as new batches of Nigeria's youth step forward to contribute to the nation's development and prosperity.

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